The intention (Niyyah)

For a quick to be intentional / valid in the first instance, an intention (niyyah) must be made in advance, which is considered to form an oath. It is not necessary that they are done verbally, but without fasting it is not valid Umrah Tour packages Uk.
Beginning and end of the fast
According to the traditions handed down from Muhammad, the Muslims eat a meal before dawn, called the suhur. All meals and drinks must be finished before Azán-ul-Fajr, the pre-dawn call to prayer. Unlike the Salat-ul-Duhr and Salat-ul-Maghrib prayers, which have clear astronomical definitions (noon and sunset), there are several definitions used in practice for the "dawn truth" (Al-Fajr as -Sadiq), as mentioned in the hadith. These range from the center of the Sun being 12 to 21 degrees below the horizon [1], which is equivalent to around 40 to 60 minutes before the civil dawn. There are no restrictions on the morning meal other than restrictions on the Muslims' diet. After completing the suhur, Muslims recite the dawn prayer. No food or water is allowed to go down the throat after the suhur. However, water unlike food can enter the mouth, but not go down the throat during wudu.

The food eaten to end the fast is known as al-Iftar. Muslims, after the Sunnah of the Prophet, Muhammad, break the fast with dates and water, before praying Salat-ul-Maghrib, after which you can eat a healthier meal. 
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