General conditions
Throughout the duration of the same speed, Muslims abstain
from certain provisions that the Qur'an has allowed otherwise, that is, to eat,
drink and have sexual intercourse. This adds to the obligation of norms already
observed by Muslims to avoid what is not allowed by the Koranic law or sharia
(for example, ignorant and indecent speech, arguing and fighting, and lustful
thoughts). Without observing this standard obligation, Sawm becomes useless,
and is seen simply as an act of starvation. Fasting should be a reason to be
more benevolent towards others. Charity with the poor and needy this month is
one of more rewardable worship.
If one is sick, nursing or traveling, one considers oneself
exempt from fasting. No fasting broken or lost due to sickness, nursing or
travel should be done every time the person is able before the next month of
Ramadan. According to the Koran, in other cases, not fasting is allowed only when
the act is potentially dangerous to health - for example, the elderly who are
too weak to fast for long periods of time, diabetics, elderly and pregnant
women, but this must be done by the payment of a fidyah which is essentially
the iftar, the supper and the suhur for a fasting person who requires financial
According to the clear guidance of the Qur'an and the Sunnah
if someone does not exist in fasting due to an illness or travel is allowed to
leave the fast and complete left over the fast in the future. However, the
issue of people suffering from a permanent illness has not been resolved in the
sources. One point of view is that you can get out of the obligation if the
medical experts advise this. As for the question of how to compensate for the
lack of it, it is maintained that a poor person can be fed a meal instead of
every quick meal to compensate for the obligation. That delinguent person must
always be willing to fast if there is health.
Observing fasting is not allowed for menstruating women.
However, when the menstrual period has stopped, you should bathe and continue
the fast. No fasting broken or lost due to menstruation should be compounded
whenever possible before the next month of Ramadan. Women should fast,
sometimes not when they are menstruating, since the Koran indicates that all
religious duties are ordered for men and women.
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