Definition of fasting

Muslims are forbidden some things that are natural and legal to seek the face of God. Muslims are prohibited from eating, drinking, smoking and having sex from dawn (Fajr) to sunset (Magrib). Fasting is essentially an attempt to seek closeness to God and increase one's piety Cheapest Umrah Packages UK. One of the distant goals of fasting is to sympathize with those less fortunate who do not always have food and drink available. You also have to try to avoid the curse and bad thoughts. Fasting is also seen as a means of controlling one's desires (of hunger, thirst, sexuality, anger) and to focus more on consecrating oneself to God.
Sawm also has an important spiritual meaning. The principle of love is taught: because when one observes fasting, it is done out of deep love for God and learning self-control.
Fasting near the north pole for example, in Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway
As the Koran does not say that wherever fasting has to do with sunset and sunrise, the inhabitants of these cities follow the clock instead of the sun.
There are four schools of thought to solve this "polar fasting paradox".
1.Fasting on a Yaom (official day)
The word used in the Koran is Yaom, that is, the day of the week. While the days and dates change around the world at the same speed. So the paradox is solved, simply fasting according to the "official day".
2.National fasting
The people of Svalbard will follow the capital of Norway
 Fasting 3Las
The people of these dates will follow the Holy City Kaba.
The fast 4.No for these people

Not fasting for these people, only five prayers during a "solar day". (Maarif ul page Koran # 450) 
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